Thursday, September 19, 2013

No News is Good News

Yes, it has been a while since I last updated, but thankfully, that's because everything went well the past two weeks.  (Insert happy dance here!)  Last night, we were getting ready for bed and Sean asked me what we were doing the next day.  I told him we were getting up very early to go see Dr. M. for a dose increase.  And he said, "Mama, that's not all we're going to do tomorrow" very excitedly like he knew a great secret.  So I asked him what else, and he whispered enthusiastically, "See Nurse Lety!"  He loves her!  She gives him his dose, checks his vitals, gives him applesauce and water to go with his dose, and most importantly to Sean, she hangs up the pictures he colors on the wall.  He is so proud to see his art on the wall each time we visit!

Today we went for Sean's next dose increase, and his final dosing on "Solution D" which he has taken in increasing amounts since the end of the first day.  This dose is 6.15mg of peanut protein, equivalent to 15mg of peanut flour.  He did well at the challenge for this dose, but he did get one red ear.  I see it frequently and to me, it is clearly related to his allergies and is a sign of reaction.  My husband tries to tell me that it's just their red Irish coloring making him more prone to it, and tries to downplay my concerns as "nothing" so it was validating for me to have Dr M. notice it and mention that he sees it very often.  He did go on to say that unless other symptoms appear, I do not need to treat it with antihistamines.  

I left the office feeling pretty confident and calm, which is a rarity for me on dose increase day.  I was feeling good because this dose increase was smaller than some of them.  Many of the dose increases are actually doubling the previous dose, and this particular dose increase was only a 50% dose increase, so I felt better about his system not being overwhelmed.  He did fine at the challenge, and I was feeling great.

Fast-forward to tonight.  When we got home and got him out of the van, I noticed that his top lip was red and maybe even a bit puffy.  He is mass-producing snot.  Now mind you, he has been sick this past week, and he and his brothers are all snotty beasts.  But this seems excessive.  And he has a little bit of a cough with it.  I know his brother has also had a cough with this current illness, so I'm trying not to worry too much and hope that it's just another symptom of this bug they're fighting.  But... I'm a worry-wart.  And my baby who just had a dose increase of his allergen is now sounding really congested and is breathing louder than normal.  So I'm on the verge of a freak-out, but I'm trying to ignore it.  I'm nervous to give our home dose this evening, so I'm putting it off.  Wish us luck!

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As you post a comment, please keep in mind that I wish to keep this Nutty Little Blog a positive place of support for others who are going through OIT, as well as a place of hope and inspiration for those who are considering OIT or otherwise living with food allergies. Thank you!